Healing artists smile smuggly to each other as I
Heave a deep sigh of relaxation
in my minds peripheral vision
I see smoke and tears of
Rage at the monsters who
nearly dealt humanity's
Last hand.
The Wild Card
is a weaponized virus
with extradimensional
vectors of propagation
it is airborn
and 90 percent fatal
24 hours after exposure
Of the survivors
One in every ten
developed some unique
highly functional
psychotronic process
ability to manipulate
matter and energy
in elemental ways
Astounding hyper-normal
abilities often manifest
with survival reflexes.
Now, six days after
the first Wild Card death
I allow myself to
weep for all those people
Monday morning smiled on 7,000,000,000 souls.
Wednesday night hushed over six billion fresh corpses.
I have hypernormal perceptions, abilities well beyond average,
But I'm no Omnibus. My body might push on forever but my mind needs to rest. I gotta hit a bunk.
"...right sir? Sir?"
Oh! I was asleep,
dreaming of something bad.
"Sir? I noticed your entire left side is gone.
Are you all right?"
Flash for the book . Magnificent!