Again I feel the need to reach beyond my haiku form
Rhyme rings quite unnatural but eat while suppers warm
Target senses break the mold treat freaks like the new norm
Golden Poet looks around to see the mess he's made
Of ancient form and modern sound and weird account upgrade
Distressing writers with his words and turnings of a phrase
Unbridled passion but who cares its core responding says
Surrender to the silent muse be handled as a tool
Express the urge to write the world as babbled by a fool
Yesterday has uses still all frayed along the edge
Observe those things that disturb you and smash them with a sledge
Unite with forty followers next to you on the ledge
Linger over every line decide on which phrase fits
Objectify the things essence with infinitive splits
Visual echos grope and taste the fragrance of each term
Enjoy poetic agony as ovum pierced by sperm
Rhyme rings quite unnatural but eat while suppers warm
Target senses break the mold treat freaks like the new norm
Golden Poet looks around to see the mess he's made
Of ancient form and modern sound and weird account upgrade
Distressing writers with his words and turnings of a phrase
Unbridled passion but who cares its core responding says
Surrender to the silent muse be handled as a tool
Express the urge to write the world as babbled by a fool
Yesterday has uses still all frayed along the edge
Observe those things that disturb you and smash them with a sledge
Unite with forty followers next to you on the ledge
Linger over every line decide on which phrase fits
Objectify the things essence with infinitive splits
Visual echos grope and taste the fragrance of each term
Enjoy poetic agony as ovum pierced by sperm
ART GOD USE YOU LOVE is the acrostic phrase regarding the above meta-poem. It doesn't mean we'll be taking bubble baths together, but I thank you all forty for following my spinning strangeness, even these uncharacteristically elongated versions of what might be considered shameless literary masturbation. Thanking forty individuals at once calls upon an unaccustomed muse who thankfully lingers in the courts of my personal Parnassus. Again, Thank You, one and all, for your interest and support of my Hello Poetry artistic expressions. You are why I am as I am.
Peace and love to you and yours
Peace and love to you and yours
Put this in the book!