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Monday, August 10, 2015


I, as poet, crave clarity in definition and precision in the tools of my craft. The visual elements of poetics have always indicated images impossible to explore with current technological hardware.

Here I would like to introduce a new dimension of navigation. The root word of microscopic  is "scop" meaning to see. Micro addresses things extremely small.

A favorite read of mine is Piers Anthony's Macroscope. The idea being all within visual range can be examined. The prefix macro- (rhymes with "hack hoe")  is common to modern lexicons implying objects and events observable to the naked eye.

I wish to formalize a new definition / pronunciation  of Macroscopic. This meaning infers objecst and events which are large beyond human senses ability to capture. This new prefix is Macro- (rhymes with "Take Toe") and deals with things too large to see.

So here are your variouscopic options: Microscopic (too small to see), macroscopic (soft a , within optical range), and Macroscopic (hard A, too large to see). 

Knowing that  there is a word for a concept or thing invisible to the naked eye but undeniably real, is a prosperity to my poets soul, and a luxury to my military mind.

Science and art are advanced by this new codification, obscure as it may be, of structural design at all levels of observation. The beauty of Great Creators handiwork can only be hinted at with our most powerful tools.

My responsibility as poet is to reveal the indivisible connection between humanity and the incomprehensible support systems embedded within us, and those within which we are embedded.

Swallowed by nature
Abandoned village returns
Elements to Earth

Beauty everywhere
Above and below poet
Rings of creation

Various optics
Reveal the tiniest hint
Visionary truth

Say it with me now
My crow, mack row, Make row...scope
Of observation
Micro- (tiny), macro- (common), Macro-(giant), treat converging fields of study which I gigglingly poeticize. I may have made up  the m-M differentiation, but I am a linguistic disestablishmentarian and reserve the licence to tread on traditional toes.


vague artistic taint
between asshole and nutbag
find me pidgeon-holed


shouting rage repeat
you would use that against me
like I have no right

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Curse of the...

When it is rain time, it rains

when haiku time comes
it will begin to haiku
in sprinkles and storms

some gentle verses
lavender summer night breeze
others poop on shoes

now something unknown
suddenly talons extend
slashing blindly wild

am I enemy
I know I must be somewhere
so why not here now

face mortality
know that you may die today
I won't skip a stroke

destroy all in path
authorities have arrived
sir drop the pen now

you don't call me sir
unless you are in my path
you will surely die

I will live and my
Names not Shirley dear reader
Escape while you can

I can't control this
Force of nature act of god
Some sick joke of muse

Letters spinning blade
sharp and hard as katana
probing for your throat

howling eyes roll back
strings of foaming spittle splat
blend with blood on bed

another falls prey
and another after that
slip and fall in gore

jab and twist of blade
cranium tumbles from neck
throat geysers sticky

splash in open mouth
puke rises into throat
cut short by blade stroke

dead all of them dead
guts skulls and blood so much blood
but none of it mine

I tried to warn them
without remorse or regret
I collect my fee

Time v Timing

time but an instant
while timing is everything
so take your timing


poet regards verse
blindly groping for pencil
lost in translation


skinned knee hurts for days
hurt feelings leave pain for months
sometimes forever

Poet To Arms

Could you stand by
And watch these two
Beat stuffing from each other?

When one is thy neighbor while his foe your brother...
I have fought in many such battles
with axes to grind and sabers to rattle

Undisguised loathing
formidable foes
Old war horses frothing
Castle guards on their toes

Only ever the way
of the righteous and vain
Swing baton and cudgel
I say bring the pain

The field has been chosen
the champions picked
All assets are frozen
the shots have been tricked

The one guy who profits from any of this
Betrays his own master in garden with kiss

Forever it has been until time doth cease
On this side of the grave we will never know peace

Jerks Like Me

Marginalized centrist
Forced by one side to take the other
That's OK I still collect


Have you lost your mind
Maybe look behind running
Do you feel like a warlord? Did banishing me from your kingdom harm your true enemies? Run poet, hide from the news. Quick, behind the refrigerator!

ACE ace x4

Angry assailant
Charges constabulary
Early episodes

Artistic answer
Constant collaboration
Eager echoing

Another artist
Cheerfully calibrating
Energetic edge

Applied acrostics
Certain creativity
Elements employed
Each of these four verses  has two aces  in the acrostic sense.


Soul of a poet
Creating haiku verses
Return to  silence

Borrows from the ancient Way
Elan vital blooms


Again I feel the need to reach beyond my haiku form
Rhyme rings quite unnatural but eat while suppers warm
Target senses break the mold treat freaks like the new norm

Golden Poet looks around to see the mess he's made
Of ancient form and modern sound and weird account upgrade
Distressing writers with his words and turnings of a phrase

Unbridled passion but who cares its core responding says
Surrender to the silent muse be handled as a tool
Express the urge to write the world as babbled by a fool

Yesterday has uses still all frayed along the edge
Observe those things that disturb you and smash them with a sledge
Unite with forty  followers next to you on the ledge

Linger over every line decide on which phrase fits
Objectify the things essence with infinitive splits
Visual echos grope and taste the fragrance of each term
Enjoy poetic agony as ovum pierced by sperm
ART GOD USE YOU LOVE is the acrostic phrase regarding the above meta-poem. It doesn't mean we'll be taking bubble baths together, but I thank you all forty for following my spinning strangeness, even these uncharacteristically elongated versions of what might be considered shameless literary masturbation. Thanking forty individuals at once calls upon an unaccustomed muse who thankfully lingers in the courts of  my personal Parnassus. Again, Thank You, one and all, for your interest and support of my Hello Poetry artistic expressions. You are why I am as I am.
Peace and love to you and yours

Between Noises

my silence a prayer
between deep city noises
whisper from Garden


Symphonic  cluster
Harmonizing with neighbors
E flat galaxy


For Your Eyes Only
My real name is John Ernest
Not Golden Poet

Counting on it

Finally understanding Ten Words popularity;
Easier numeration words versus syllables.
Free the Haiku 17!


Create simple verse
Accept my literary
Rare but easy style

With nothing better
In which to squander my time
Than compose haiku

Metahaiku strains
Against the seams of my mind
Yearning for eyeballs

Years of practicing
Original rensaku
Using acrostics

Such as the above
Tricky but that's me

Strange Change

magnificent genes
this is a type3 metahaiku, the original reads "butterfly/magnificent wings", to bring sharper focus to the force of the first line , I added the hyphen elipsis to show untold time, capitalized to show majesty of adult form and wing became  genes to redirect attention to the cause of the first line. The change runs deeper than the look of the creature.

Poetry Nation Dot Com

Past present future
One verse becomes all others
Enigmatic muse
Tapping on ceiling and walls
Right here with me now
Yesterday morning

Nature writes D.N.A. codes
Anarchy of words
Tackled and ravaged by muse
Illuminated entry
Only for love of haiku
Namaste, E.T.'s a man

Dangerous art-forms
Obviously threatening
Tactical magic

Cosmic editor decides
Once upon a written world
Muse and poet dos-a-dos

Nine Eleven (rensaku)

Day for nation to
Bring family together
Remember pray?

Or celebrate feast
Ability to move on?
Fifteen years later...

Warren commission
Cover up and lies upgrade
No Holiday! Work!!!

Want my Freedom Fries
Federal Day of Prayer
And my flying car

"Free the Haiku 17!"
On the eve of the Great Poetry Games , our knees jerk the same way they did a decade ago. Only the artist can push the river of evolution---
+-+-++*** *** ***
Clear this area. Dimensional Incursion Event active in 60 seconds...59...58...
Gotta go- TTFN

Oath of the Enfold Way

I will protect innocence with all my time and strength of arms, and character, and soul.
I will use my gifts to uplift those around me in need.
I will uphold the truth, be trustworthy, and demand justice in the presence of Great Creator, God, the One Above All Others.
I will make the most of every moment.
Nanu Nanu
Space X   was collateral damage to operation Dr Moon. Check Temporal Strings. Bring me High D'jinn Ten.I hate this desk

Saturday, August 8, 2015

We Had BOG's in Ireland

We had BOGs (Boots On Ground) in residence of Dr Moon aka Moron D at time of call off. Thranoi Colonel Treeage perfomed flawless capture extraction operation programming and deploying our omeganite replacement drone. We have the real Ormond sequestered at Hello Haiku safe house. Please advise...
I have only rudimentary comsec, strike team disappeared leader getting high on pot and...My medical issues are distracting...Rest is needed....///-___-///

Monday, July 20, 2015


Years of practicing
Extreme interrogation
Saving many worlds

Nation is in no danger
Operational agents

(Wonder where Galactic Spin
Embedded journalist team
Lost us Alaurian clash
Lousy...can't keep a cold sore...)

Maintain protocols
Activate field silencers
Yeoman, I need a land line...
Bring a telephone!
Earn your stripes today...

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Both Sides (acrostic rensaku)

Armoured Triskellion
Carves out great chunks of respect,
Rabbli has some balls...
Only it was both
Still is even up to now
Thick psychotronics
I empathize both sides
Chain meta haiku

Return free presence
Eject turn over press play
Nor hate taken wing
Stand by Great Poetry Games
Anarchy of words
Kept closer Ego turns back
Understand all of above

Dimensional Incursion Event

Area clear of 
Homo Sapiens life forms
Quantum Urge engaged


-I'm going to be sick...
=Shut up, fool! We are still hot!
-BleArgh- hpputui---
=You are such an idiot
-I hate time travel
=Still hot! Engage the Pulse Field

Recorded by automatic shop security audio only from frame 5 forward. BOA-Multiple possible attempted break and enter alleged suspects, no description available, may be armed, use all due caution...noise complaint protocols...


Silent Explosion
Shock wave takes me by surprise
Man-Shaped-Wind no more
I can do nothing but watch..."Aeonado Creative Emergence ---enter Thranoi ...---***...---***...---***

News Cycle

tragic haiku death
no longer making the news
let's talk about sports
Haiku Reader Dies
I could be the next victim
How 'bout those Lakers

Noiseless Neighbors

Massive implosion
Demolished building next door
Completely silent
Without flames smoke or rubble
Outside its footprint
Good thing there was no one there
Vacant since morning
We moved our stuff over here
Broken pipe flooded
Both buildings owned by same guy
Some Irish writer
It must be coincidence 
We would surely have been killed
No one over at Haiku USA answers phone, text, or email. They're going to miss the whole thing.


Sudden thunderstorm
Plant kingdom awakening
Reproductive urge

Ice looses its grip
Night begins to seem shorter
Giggling lovers

Greatest Show Off Earth

astounding kidnap
sanctioned by America
Who would have believed

Hello Dear Ormond

 Hello Dear Ormond
In using my name
Among your paranoid rants
Only proves you write

Project Dr Moon

I want to thank the viewers of this Project Dr Moon
As well as the masterminds Behind this Word Circus
suggestions for battle field inquiries
Haijin X
Urania Numuse
Euterpe 11
Clio Nuse
Calliope of Helicon
Thalia Masque
Melpomene Masque
John Quill, the Golden Poet
John Peele
My Dear Reno
Dr zik
and special mention to
each like-heart, comment and follow
Dear Hello Poetry Reader
you guys are splendid
and this would not be under collection
Without your insight
Support and suggestions
Thank you all for Great Poetry Games

Hello Poetry Great Poet War Salvo One

59 minutes ago
Brandon Nagley ( latest phoney name of Smartass Rabbi aka racist predator on HP
Don't be duped - like Wolf Spirit ( who may be Beryl Dov )

HP ALERT: Sociopath running free on HP
Latest fake names ( a Growing LIST ) of predator/stalker/racisist:
Beryl Dov ( aka smartass rabbi )

Serial Fake name user on HP, Beryl Dov is also: Bear Dov, Flora Luna Hernandez, Brandon Nagley, Cameron, Rainbow, Princess Bride, Jack Noonan, and many more, including: Frank Ruland Jr ( posing as Frank Ruland ), Slightly Cantankerous, serendipitous, Destiny Cervantes, Winn, Mellifluous, Ineffable, Limerance, Frank Davis Sr, Screamingnighthog ( two different sites on HP with this name one or both are phoney aka SmartassRabbi), J Krook, Cameron, Logain Carvó, Sara Murray, Almond, Paula Pussy, Joshua Haines, Raine, Acrostic Rensaku, Jake Muler, Carpe Aeon, Mr God, Dr Zik, Beth Miller ( he/it likes to pretend to be a girl ), Margot Dylan, Melissa, Rainbow, Arlo Dissaray, The Weekly Poet, Hello Haiku, Haijin X, Thranoi Alpha Bravo Charlie, Gen JE Peale, Galactic Spin, Great Poetry Games, Wolf Spirit ( suspected ).


Note: nearly a quarter of the so called writers on this site are simply ONE, massive phoney with over one hundred names,
You guessed it - Beryldov Lew 'the SmartAssRabbi'
2nd place massive phoney goes to 'Joshua Haines' who slithered on to this site ( HP ) and within a whole week or two had over a thousand 'followers.'  should win an award for Spectacular PHONEY self Promotion - NOTE: he's probably, you guessed it again: Beryldov Lew aka KING phoney/predator/ racist on HP !
Pariah supreme, complete predator/stalker / racist on HP
Serial phoney HP site maker all in support of a fragil(massive)ego in search of a soul.
Spectacular phoney, All his/her/it's so called writings ( blatherings ) as deep as a fortune cookie! 
Nice ( fake ) backstory, a scholar of reptilian phoneyness.
#pathetic   #noticehowhefollowshimself
I am going to find and friend all of these names

Friday, July 17, 2015

Dream of Man-Shaped-Wind

there in indigoGlowing through moonlit snowfallAcumen City

Between waking worlds
As we bow our humble heads
Dance with the big dream

Dreamers together
And the dream itself waltzes
Natural rhythm

Groovy character
Who only exists in dreams
Watch for Man-Shaped-Wind

Before there was Man
God knows what we could have been
We choose each moment

Suddenly we all
Instant of eternity
Energy space time  

Light surrounds all points
Identify your photon
Particle wave field

Free will uses dreams
Presents archetypal paths
Changes everything

Each choice refolds space
Haiku like origami
Blended destiny

Souls leaving traces
Enlightening spirits' paths
Converge, become One

Green Brownies

Good to be alive
Even if  in high orbit
Tasted Green Brownies

Hello end of world
Imagine it won't be long
Green Brownies are Good

Hello my own face
Eating Green Brownies is FUN
Right next to haiku

Ten Hundred Thousand Names

Having done this many times
I can not see my acts as crimes
Advantage Great Poetry Games
Requires ten hundred thousand names

As Dr Moon means Moron D
Poor RN Doom can't help but see
Whatever fear disables one
Inspires other virtual gun

Since no one man is "Bandersnatch"
My mission is not him to catch
But rather isolate the fool
Point out his words still float in pool

Only Thranoi seems to care
About your soiled underwear
If that was me (in fact it is)
I would mind my own mean biz

Not run off whine to management
Each time new join request was sent
Or use my poetastery skills
To clean up my own fecal spills

One million names or only one
May enter in these games for fun
Whichever you pick to oppose
Left in dust finger up nose
Ormond, you  have not heard the last of Eupholome. I will never stop writing.

The Abduction of Dr Moon

The Abduction of Dr Moon
Silent Explosion
Shock wave takes me by surprise
Man-Shaped-Wind no more
I can do nothing but watch..."Aeonado Creative Emergence ---enter Thranoi ...---***...---***...---***

The strike team that were boots on the ground in Ireland operation Dr Moon was me, Colonel Treeage Thranoi. The captured Ormond is in sequester stasis in our facility on the martian moon Deimos. We left a standard replacement drone in his residence in Ireland. We destroyed an unmanned missile vectoring our escape route  with Thranoi  focused field technology. 

    Be advised the Thranoi are an Independent Intelligent Species  who do not recognize whatever laws you say we broke. Our treaties with the Galactic Neighbors Association supercede any extradition from Martian soil.   Any attempt to capture myself or my team will result in extreme resistance.

Having said that I am willing to surrender to whichever civilian legal authority is responsible for regaining currency value for the vehicles' replacement costs we have many fine trade items to exchange for satisfaction of financial justice.

The surrender of the original Ormond may be conducted through the offices of Gen J.E. Peele who remains on Earth to fulfill these transactions.
Sign out,
Carpe Aeon
Colonel Treeage Thranoi
I, Thranoi not man
Human Teacher respected
Said get Moron D

Scanning Macroscope
shows Anomaly Event
Object time twister

Omega Knights track
Stop chronocidal time storms
From wrecking planet

What ever it was
Ormond , Dr Moon, Moron D
Not, human being

More like symbiot
Powerful unkind spirit
Has his soul oppressed

His core hurts unsure
Voices in mind haunting dreams
My team goes to help

Careful time line check
Shows termination bad move
I made call "Capture"

Replaced lethal loads
Moved team into home silent
Then ordered stand down

Gen Peele said fall back
Team stops preparing to leave
When What do you know

Ormond wakes to pee
Turns corner walks into me
He pees and poops too

I am very large
Three meters of shaggy beast
Out of his nightmares

He peed while pooping
There on living room carpet
Splashing on my boots

He made squeaky noise
Leaning down close I growl warn
Stop peeing on me

Fainted in my arms
Almost cute in his terror
Except for the smell

I transported him
Leaving residence around
Four Aye Emma local

Loaded filthy man
into personal transport
Secured stasis fields

Boots leave Irish soil
04:20 for orbit
Collision alarms

Unmanned vehicle
Three thousand miles per hour
Twenty nine miles high

Spacex Dragon dies
So stinking Irishman lives
How is that justice?

This place looks swanky
Have you any beverage
Ethanol is fine

Event object grows
Normal time travel unsafe
Defense force deployed

We had BOGs (Boots On Ground) in residence of Dr Moon aka Moron D at time of call off. Thranoi Colonel Treeage perfomed flawless capture extraction operation programming and activating our omeganite replacement drone. We have the real Ormond sequestered at Hello Haiku safe house. Please advise.